Note : Our payout rates are dynamic and depend on the advertising income that we receive. So sometimes the prices can increase/decrease for some countries.
Earnings per 1000 Views
Why Views/Statistics/Earnings are not counting?
We pay for ALL legitimate visitor you bring to your links. Multiple views from the same viewer are also counted thus you will be benefiting from all your traffic. Earnings per 1000 Views Earnings per 1000 ViewsPAYOUT RATES
We offer you the best
Mobile / Tablet
Supporting payment gateway :
PayPal : minimum withdrawal $5
Bank transfer : minimum withdrawal $5 (Only supports banks in Vietnam)
MoMo : minimum withdrawal $5 (Only supports in Vietnam)
Payeer : minimum withdrawal $5
Payooner : minimum withdrawal $50
Views are counted: 2 click / 1 IP address / 24 hours (2 clicks/ip/day)
Dollar exchange rate: $1 = 22.000đ
Note : Our payout rates are dynamic and depend on the advertising income that we receive. So sometimes the prices can increase/decrease for some countries.
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